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All of these sessions must be supervised by an appropriate staff member who meets all the requirements as required in the HTS regulations, and should be recorded in the table below. Additional sessions which do not meet the supervision requirements as outlined in the regulations cannot be counted towards the total number of minimum sessions for this module, and should not be include in this table.
Please note, these are sessions of approximately 3.5 hours, not individual patients.
Time spent on session
Completion certificates award should be submitted with this portfolio insert when requesting examination.
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a. Reason for referral. b. Psychosocial aspects of hearing loss. c. Employment status. d. Mental health status. e. Identifies possible aetiological or contributing factors as they arise and spontaneously probes for more relevant information. f. Results of previous hearing tests. g. ENT and general medical history. h. Involvement of other professional agencies.
a. Modifications to pure tone audiometry for assessing non-organic hearing loss. b. Speech testing: selection of appropriate speech test, test set up, instructions to patient, stimulus presentation (in quiet/noise), interpretation. c. TEN test: test set up, Instructions to patient, procedure and interpretation. d. Transient otoacoustic emission testing: test set up, instructions to patient, procedure and interpretation. e. Distortion product otoacoustic emission testing: test set up, instructions to patient, procedure and interpretation.
a. Explaining findings, implications and proposed management using appropriate language. b. Responding to questions in an appropriate way, showing sensitivity and rephrasing/re-explaining as necessary to ensure understanding. c. Backing up information given with information materials where possible.
Please leave blank if not applicable
Competency 1:
Prepare test facilities & equipment, to include daily calibration checks and room set up.
Competency 2:
Formulate review and management plans, liaising with the relevant professionals to co-ordinate assessments & care, as appropriate.
Competency 3:
Plan clinical approaches, using clinical reasoning strategies, evidence-based practice.
Competency 4:
Take a full and relevant history.
Competency 5:
Keep patients fully informed during all aspects of the appointment, obtaining consent for procedures as appropriate.
Carry out all appropriate procedures in a safe and effective manner adapting as required to ensure information and benefit gained is maximised within the time available, to include the use of the following, as appropriate: a. Modified PTA; b. Dead region testing (e.g. TEN testing); c. Speech testing; d. Otoacoustic emissions testing; e. Advanced hearing aid verification measures; f. Fitting of non-routine hearing aids to include CROS aids.
Competency 7:
Show creativity, initiative and originality of thinking in tackling and solving practical problems.
Competency 8:
Collate relevant information, interpret and make an informed decision concerning the management of individual cases, to include onward referral for implantable auditory devices and cochlear implants, hearing therapy and / or psychological support.
Develop individual management plans, ensuring that patients are part of the decision making with use of patient centred care.
Give advice on assistive listening devices, radio aids/remote microphones and apps, as appropriate, and ways these may be obtained, making referrals as needed.
Communicate effectively with patients giving clear information on the plan for the session assessment results, recommendations and management using appropriate language and communication strategies.
Write reports on findings and recommendations suitable for the intended audience, to include a range of professionals and parents/carers, with the appropriate level of detail.
Keep appropriate clinical records.
Competency 14:Demonstrate the ability to, and articulate clearly through presentation and constructive discussion with colleagues:a. Relate their own practice to a supporting knowledge base – including reference to evidence based and/or recognised good practice.b. Clearly justify any of their own clinical decisions made in the assessment or management of patients.c. Critically appraise the context of individual cases within national and local structures/processes for the management of hearing impairment.d. Critically evaluate and reflect on their own actions.e. Show independent thought through evaluation and presentation of alternative (and justified) approaches to existing local practice.
0: Does not currently meet examination requirements 1: Meets examination requirements 2: Exceeds examination requirements
Area below only for use when applying to resit the practical examination.