17 Jul -17 Jul
12:30 -13:30

Sam Nutt, BAA Representative, invites you to a short meeting for the region. The agenda includes a BAA board update and a presentation from Michelle Chung from Cochlear.

Title: Hearing Implants, the Next Step

When hearing aids are no longer enough, what else could you consider? Michelle and Vicky from Cochlear will be talking about Hearing Implants, the next step.

They will be joined by two wonderful volunteers with hearing implants who will share their stories, and explain how they can help support your patients, who perhaps are unsure about implants and the implantation pathway. This is a great opportunity as clinicians to ask direct questions to patients with lived experience, helping to further improve implant-counselling conversations.

Cochlear welcomes any questions for the volunteers/speakers in advance to UKlearnnow@cochlear.com and will do their best to answer these during the session.