British Academy of Audiology

Early Professionals – we are looking for you!

Would you like to join the BAA Early Professional Committee?

Many of our current members have reached the end of their term, and we are looking for new members enthusiastic about the future of audiology! Whether you’re a current student or a recent graduate, we’d love to hear from you. We meet mainly online throughout the year, and this opportunity would be a great way to network, support your profession and develop your own skills.

If you’d like to join, please send a short statement for the following prompts to:

  • Tell us a bit about yourself (what course are you currently on or have graduated from) – no more than 100 words
  • Why you’d want to volunteer with the BAA, specifically the Early Professional Committee.

Please note, you do need to be a BAA Member to join the committee, but student membership is free.

Please include your full name and email us no later than 31st May!

Do share widely, and supervisors please consider supporting your early professional trainees and graduates!