05 Aug -05 Aug
08:00 -09:30
Online Webinar

The need to maintain social distancing during the pandemic has required clinical services to restrict ‘face to face’ contacts and to find alternatives. One such possibility is the development of remote care which should reduce clinic visits without compromising the quality of care. But will it work in practice and under what conditions? Will it be acceptable to patients and can data security be assured?

Chair: Helen Cullington (Southampton)


DeWet Swanepoel (SA)
Frederic Venail (FR)
Stephen O’Leary (AU)
Michelle Kraskin (US)
Colleen Psarros (AU)
R Ranjith (IN)
Paul Govaerts (BE)

Global CI Collaborative: Futures Forum: Webinar Series
Covid-19 has changed health-care practice globally requiring rapid service re-configuration and novel pathways to deliver cochlear implantation for all ages. The Global CI Collaborative presents a five-part global leadership webinar series that will explore the future of cochlear implantation following the global pandemic.

Webinars will be presented by leading experts in the field of cochlear implantation from around the world and will include the participation of patients. The webinars will be captioned.

Intended audience – these webinars are open to all hearing health professionals, cochlear implant teams, cochlear implant users, advocacy groups, and commissioners of health care.