BAA is seeking nominees for the organisation’s board of directors. There are three positions available.

BAA board members serve a three-year term, beginning at this year’s AGM on 21st November 2024.

Could you join our proactive, engaged, team of volunteers?

Being a board member gives you the opportunity to expand your professional network, as you form part of the team looking to provide a clear and strong voice for professionals in audiology, promote excellence in clinical knowledge and practice, and be an advocate for the profession!

The board meets at least four times a year in-person and virtually, and board members typically lead a committee that will also meet (virtually) four times each year. You are also expected to attend and help at our annual conference.

Nomination Process:

  • State briefly why you wish to be a Board Director (Max 150 words)
  • Detail any skills and experience you have that would make you a good choice for a Board Director (Max 150 words)

CLOSING DATE midnight Monday 7th October

Complete the nomination form here


If you are unable to complete the online form, please contact

The general job description for Board Directors is as follows: OD1715-BAA-Board-Director-Generic There will be a more specific job description for the Board Lead role you take on!

Read more about being a Board Director in the BAA: Articles of Association

Read our Frequently Asked Questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are aware that some of you may have considered standing in the past but are a little unsure about quite what is involved.  Below are some ‘frequently asked questions’ which may help you to decide to stand in the forthcoming elections.

Can anyone stand?

The position of Board Director is open to all full members of the BAA. You can be nominated and seconded by full members, or you can self-nominate.

Do I have to be a Head of Department?

No.  However, being a member of the BAA board means you will be asked to represent your profession. You will be asked to give your opinion on various professional matters, and will be expected to work strategically within the team to develop professional standards now and into the future. For this reason, the position of Board Director will probably be most appropriate to those who have a senior role within Audiology and have some managerial or other committee experience. However, all members of the BAA are eligible to be nominated, and if you feel you could contribute, you are welcome to apply.

How much time will it involve?

There is an all-day Board meeting 4 times a year, and the full Board also attends the Conference where we have the Annual General Meeting. In addition, you will be expected to complete work with any BAA teams or committees you are involved with. You need to ensure that you can obtain leave from work commitments to attend meetings.

Most Board Directors are responsible for a committee of volunteers who work on specific projects in that specific area of work.

Will I get paid?

No.  Only the President position is financially covered for one day a week, with BAA ‘buying’ their time from their work placement. The other Board Directors do not get paid for their work, although travel expenses are covered.

How long is a term of office?

A term of office lasts three years. Directors then have the option to stand for a second term of three years.

What do Directors do?

There are various teams that Board Directors either chair or participate in.  Job descriptions for each of the Board roles will soon be available on the BAA website. Here is the generic Board Director Job Description

Further, the Directors are asked to review and comment on documents and policies generated within the BAA and by external bodies. Board Directors may be involved in ad-hoc working groups, depending on their specific interests and talents.

Board Directors will also be expected to represent BAA on external groups in Audiology, as requested by the President.

What is the benefit to being on the Board?

The profession needs strong leaders to take it forward. By being a Board Director, you can influence the direction of your profession in the future. Board Directors are the front line of information coming into the profession. This information is key to decision-making within your own practice.

Membership of the Board gives the opportunity to work at a strategic level to advance the profile of Audiology Professionals within the United Kingdom. We want people passionate, dedicated and ready to take the next step forward, no matter where you are in your career or practice. It is also worth noting that future vice-presidents and presidents are elected from within the board.

We recognise the diversity in our profession’s workforce and would like to encourage applicants from all backgrounds to better reflect this diversity.

We are also keen to have nominations from across the four home nations, to ensure appropriate geographical representation.

Do I have to wear green?

No…not all the time.