Updates made to Academy for Healthcare Science Good Scientific Practice document
Every three years the Academy undertakes a review of the standards set out in Good Scientific Practice in to ensure that the standards:
- Continue to have the patient and public at its heart
- Are current
- Cover the areas needed to support and guide registrants, and enable a benchmark for assessment in equivalency and programme accreditation.
- Use appropriate language
- Are in line with:
- other expectations of the Professional Standards Authority
- other standards of other statutory and PSA accredited registers
- are accessible to different readers/stakeholders
Changes made:
- Review of the language used in GSP resulted in the removal of ‘service user’ as a descriptor and replaced with ‘patient’ throughout GSP standards in line with NHS Constitution.
- The inclusion of a safety standard (1.6)
- Additional Guidance statements to standards in domains 1, 2, 3 and 5 were made following mapping of Good Scientific Practice to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of Conduct Performance and Ethics that identified the strength of mapping against each of the HCPC standards.
- An additional paragraph to emphasise to Healthcare Scientists that:
- “GSP uses the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of Proficiency for Clinical Scientists and Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics as its benchmarks. It also draws on other regulatory and professional body standards and expresses them within the context of healthcare science.”
Read the updated AHCS GSP document here.
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