Following a review with NHS Supply Chain (NHSSC), the BAA is refreshing the Audiology Supplies Group (ASG) and seeks expressions of interest from those who feel they could contribute to this committee.
NHS Supply Chain (NHSSC) manages the sourcing, delivery and supply of healthcare products for NHS trusts and healthcare organisations across England and Wales, including hearing aids and custom ear moulds. The NHSSC Hearing Aids and Custom Ear Moulds framework is divided into various lots and results in one of the largest hearing aid contracts in the world by unit volume.
As part of the NHSCC contract process, the British Academy of Audiology (BAA) provides professional support and guidance to the tender and evaluation process for devices. While all decisions remain the NHS Supply Chain, this support and guidance is achieved by BAA through the Audiology Supplies Group (ASG).
The work of ASG mainly runs in tender cycles of 3 – 5 years. There is a steady workload over the course of the contract, with significantly more at the start of each contract cycle and during evaluation periods.
The ASG will consist of a maximum of 6 members for the BAA, one of whom will be the Chair, and one of whom will be the BAA Board member with responsibility for Service Quality. NHS Supply Chain may nominate as many people as they consider appropriate to sit on the group on their behalf.
Ideally, the ASG membership should include people from multiple stakeholders who may be involved in working with audiological technology from Supply Chain (including hearing aid users, and educational audiologists).
All appointed members of the committee will be invited to serve initially for 3 consecutive years.
To ensure continuity, members may be invited to extend their term for 3 years.
Following this, the member will be required to step down from the committee for 2 years before they can re-apply to join
Meetings shall be quorate when more than 50% of current committee members, excluding co-opted members, together with either the board director or chair, are present.
Committee members are expected to attend meetings regularly. Failure to attend 3 consecutive meetings will lead to the member being asked to reconsider/withdraw their membership.
The committee will normally meet quarterly, or more often if required. Meetings may be virtual or face-to-face.
We are looking for people with:
Previous members of ASG who have served the two term limit (6 years) should not apply.
If you would like to apply, please complete and return this ASG Application Form, for the attention of the SQC Board Lead, to: