BAA believe audiology services must be free at the point of access for everyone who needs it, and where possible, this is best provided by existing NHS services who have the infrastructure, governance and joined up pathways to do this most safely and effectively. We oppose voucher schemes and anything which risks fragmenting and ultimately privatising parts of the pathway by stealth.

The Position Summary from the BAA document – The Future of NHS Adult Hearing Loss Management – states:

  • The British Academy of Audiology (BAA) believes that Adult hearing care, including the provision of hearing aids and rehabilitation, should be available to all those who would benefit, provided free at the point of delivery.
  • NHS Adult Audiology services should provide safe and effective hearing care for adults with hearing concerns which represents value for money for the NHS/taxpayer and is not for profit.
  • Services should offer evidence-based assessment and management of hearing, following national guidelines.
  • BAA believes the NHS is best placed to offer evidence-based assessment and management, scientific leadership, integrated pathways and provide hearing healthcare across the lifespan.
  • BAA recognises the important role the Private Sector plays in hearing care provision in the UK, through offering a broader choice of hearing aid styles and features than typically available via the NHS, as well as offering alternative services, such as custom hearing protection, that are not ordinarily NHS funded.

The full position statement can be accessed here: BAA Position Statement on The Future of NHS Adult Hearing Loss Management

BAA is pragmatic about capacity and the limits to what a struggling system can offer. BAA asks that the four nation’s governments fund the NHS Audiology service appropriately to allow improved investment in infrastructure, staffing, training and education, to ensure the long-term sustainability of NHS Audiology provision.

While there is currently a variation in the quality of services in the NHS, BAA still believes the NHS is the best place to provide the high quality, holistic care patients are entitled to. BAA calls on all NHS services to think about how they can deliver their services differently (if necessary) to meet the current and future challenges we all face.

Dr Samantha Lear, BAA President, said: “It has been a challenging few years for UK Audiology. While waiting lists in some areas are a concern, many services are adapting and working differently to overcome the multiple issues they face. BAA calls on government to support and resource NHS Audiology departments to ensure they can continue to provide high quality hearing care free at the point of delivery for all who need it.”


BAA would encourage you to engage with your local MP/MSP/MS/MLAs where you live and/or work. Send them the statement and encourage them to engage with their colleagues and Health Ministers on this vital topic. The documents are available to download and send below.

If you haven’t engaged with your MP before, this website will help you target the right person with all the information necessary:

Download the press release here: BAA Adult Audiology position statement press release

Download the position statement here: BAA Position Statement on The Future of NHS Adult Hearing Loss Management