In discussion with UKAS, we have now gained a clearer understanding around standard FR5.1 and FR5.3 of the IQIPS standard.
As a UKAS customer, you need to gain assurance for yourselves, and then to demonstrate through accreditation assessment that the calibration service you procure has authority and therefore competence to perform their calibration procedures for you, and that the certificates they provide assure you that they have performed this calibration activity using traceable equipment. To ensure calibration services meet the authority and traceability requirements, sites undergoing accreditation should ensure their calibration provider can provide either:
It would also be good practice, if not using an ISO17025 accredited provider, for the calibration service to have a piece of equipment they calibrate also calibrated by an accredited service to show comparison of results, thus assuring you of their accuracy and competence.
This is seen as good practice for all sites, not just those undergoing UKAS accreditation, and BAA will work with calibration providers to ensure this information is available more easily. BAA will also develop some tools for services to understand their calibration and the required standards in the next few months.