Hearing health is a vital part of healthy ageing. The ability to hear well provides benefits above and beyond being able to hear your friends and family. Good hearing helps people stay connected, reduces loneliness and supports health and wellbeing. If you hear well, you really do live well.
Every month, new research is published showing the additional benefits of using hearing technology that is supporting our day-to-day communication needs. Whilst hearing instruments do not restore your hearing to ‘normal’, you will hear a lot better. A well-fitted hearing instrument, bone-anchored hearing system or cochlear implant provides more than just the ability to hear well. Hearing aids usually improve the user’s social, psychological and physical sense of well-being.
Studies as well as experience show that hearing aids generally improve the quality of life and will help you:
Latest research projects show that not doing something if you have a hearing problem, or not wearing your hearing technology if you have it can actually have a negative impact physically, mentally and socially. Not being able to hear friends and family lead can lead to withdrawal and social isolation, which, in turn, can lead to other issues such as depression. Current research is showing that leaving hearing loss untreated, can potentially increase the risk of dementia in later life.
In these pages we offer just a brief overview of hearing, balance and tinnitus. If you do have any questions or concerns, we would always advise you to start with a visit to your G.P. There are also many support groups available to help you stay connected, engaged and healthy.