Following the publication of the BAA Lothian Review and the follow up announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care that a national audiology review group would be established to examine hearing services provided to both children and adults in health boards across Scotland, we thought we should provide a brief update of what’s happened and BAA involvement so far.
In January 2022, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care announced that a national audiology review group would be established to examine hearing services provided to both children and adults in health boards across Scotland, as well as to make recommendations on improvements for the service. It was also announced that an independent chair would be appointed to oversee the review.
This was announced in the context of failings highlighted in standards of care provided in the NHS Lothian Paediatric Audiology service, following an independent review conducted by the British Academy of Audiology.
In March 2022, the Cabinet Secretary announced the review group would be led by independent chair Professor Jacqueline Taylor and tasked with making recommendations to improve audiology services in Scotland. This work includes a separate reference group to ensure lived experience is at the heart of the review process and wider stakeholder views are understood and considered by the national audiology review group.
Below is a list of confirmed members of the National Audiology Review Group. Membership is near complete, but is not final.
There are three sub-groups working and reporting into the main group. Membership of these sub-groups will be confirmed shortly. BAA is ensuring we have good representation on all three groups:
The chair of the review group is keen to hear from a broad spectrum of audiologists and is engaging with BAA on the best way to do this.