The Accreditation Clinical Advisory Group (ACAG) and the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) has issued the following statement about Mandatory findings in IQIPs assessments

When a Mandatory finding is raised by an assessor, this must have an evidence base to the standard or reference to specific guidance to support it.

A Mandatory finding can mean that: (1) the service does not have a system in place to meet the IQIPS standard requirements; (2) are not compliant to the system e.g. no documented process for managing feedback and complaints; or (3) the service does not comply with their own policies or processes or follow national guidance for specific clinical activities.

The Lead assessor, technical assessor or Lay assessor will aim to ensure that, in their written finding, it is clear where the evidence base for the non-conformity lies and reference any relevant documentation such as NICE guidance or other guidance produced by the relevant professional bodies and societies.

Please be aware that you are able to have a discussion with the assessor if you believe that any finding is not evidenced to the standard or supported by published guidance.  By having reasonable discussions with the assessors or with the lead assessor/assessment manager at the time of assessment this will help alleviate any confusion in closing out any findings. Please be assured that these discussions will not have any influence on the decision relating to that assessment.

We all want the same outcome for UKAS assessments to maintain accreditation and as such appreciate the discussions up front to ensure the best outcome for everyone.

If you have any concerns about an assessment that you haven’t been able to action at the time and wish to raise this further, please contact your Assessment Manager directly in the first instance or if required to be more formally through the UKAS complaints process.

The Accreditation Clinical Advisory Group (ACAG) own and maintain the IQIPS standard. Membership is based on professional body and society nomination relating to the 8 physiological science disciplines (Appendix 1). The purpose of the ACAG is to provide technical and professional advice to UKAS on matters relating to the development of the standard and good practice.

BAA is represented on ACAG by the BAA Board Director for Service Quality.