Over the next six months a review of the National School and the Genomics Education programme is going to be taking place. The team leading the review will provide an independent and objective review, report and recommendations for the future and how this integrates with other Multi-professional programmes in similar associated professions across the NHS in England.

This independent review will be led by Professor Dame Jane Dacre, Emeritus Professor of Medical Education, University College London, previous President Royal College of Physicians and an internationally recognised academic in education, training and assessment and in undertaking independent reports for a variety of bodies including Government Select committees and NHS England.

Dame Jane will be supported by an expert team who have been previously associated with the original development, implementation and delivery of MSC, the NSHCS and of the GEP and include:

– Dr Gillian Manning – a healthcare scientist, educationalist and clinical academic by background predominately working in the NHS and the Higher Education sector. An expert in developing curricula, assessment and accreditation approaches and in supporting the development of Apprenticeships.

– Dr Sharon Harrison – a PhD researcher by background, with a long history in policy, strategy and implementation approaches in educating and training the healthcare workforce.

– Dr Val Davison – a consultant clinical scientist in genomics and senior manager in genomic medicine with a long history in genetics and healthcare science education and training who established the genomics education programme and became the first head of the NSHCS.

– Dr Anneke Seller – a consultant clinical scientist in genomics and head of a large genomics laboratory with long involvement in genetics education and training, who headed GEP for 5 years.

The review will be conducted in two parts, the first phase will focus on both the desk research and gathering information and the second phase will explore in-depth emerging issues and will identify key lines of further enquiry (see annex for more information).

We would be grateful for your help in both phases of this review as the expert team begin the task of initially gathering information and then move to refining and testing recommendations. They may need to meet with members of your team to help them in this process.

Finally, thank you in anticipation of your help and support of this review.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Dame Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer for England, SRO for NHS Genomics and the National Genomics Programme, Head of Profession for Healthcare Science Phil Carver, Regional Director of Workforce, Training and Education, NHS England (East of England), Senior Responsible Officer for Cancer and Diagnostics, NHS England (National Workforce, Training and Education)