For Tinnitus Week 2021, British Tinnitus Association is campaigning to make sure that everyone with tinnitus gets the right information, from the right place, at the right time.
The charity says that a negative start to a tinnitus journey can have a serious impact on how tinnitus in managed and a patient’s mental health. ‘From being told to just learn to live with it by a medical professional to reading incorrect and potentially harmful information online.’ Whilst they acknowledge that this is not the case for everyone, they want to make sure that it is not the case for anyone.
To support this campaign, the British Academy of Audiology has Tinnitus Training available for all professionals, to make sure they are able to give the right information at the right time. The training consists of three modules and some reflective practice work. Once these are completed and assessed an e-certificate is issued for CPD records. Access the modules here
Additionally, the BAA is making available for all, two fabulous presentations from our members-only BAA Online webinars held in 2020.
Watch both Tinnitus presentations below